Sound is used as the male washes up on the shore. The sound of waves crashing makes the viewer feel uneasy as sound is distorted and nothing can be heard clearly. The eyeline shot from the male to the children on the beach show how the male is not in the right mind set as he is seeing illusions. This makes the viewer feel uneasy as the characters are not mentally stable. Mise en scene is also used to create tension and negativity. The use of guns as props at the beginning of a film instantly inform the reader with the fact that it is a dangerous film. Guns bring a negative feeling to the viewer as it is commonly known harm can be done with them. Furthermore the camera angle of the over the shoulder shot when the man and older male are speaking at the table show how they are watching each other in a formal way which shows that they mean business.
The opening titles have visuals accompanying them which suggests that the film has different layers to it. Moving visuals keeps the audience entertained and engaged from the offset which is what is needed with this film as the story line is otherwise difficult to follow. The muted tones used compliment the style of film.
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